I’m NoLifeKing (or as I’m named here, itssimple, or just actually.. Chris).

By day I’m working as MultiNet Interactive AB, and by evening/night/weekends I poke at personal projects, and even some projects for Fuel Rats and CurseForge Community.

🤪 A bit more about me

At my dayjob, I’m more or less the house gnome, doing all kind of things. But my more or less official title is Reverse Engineering Full Stack Site Reliability and Security Engineer (yes, I got to give myself that title), but I normally just say I’m IT-DevOps, as I take care of our IT infrastructure, from purchasing new servers, to configuring and installing them into the server racks, build internal tools, fix a lot of things regarding our MSSQL cluster, and things like that.

Otherwise, I write small utils and other things that I more or less firstly want myself, and then it’s good if it can help someone else.

Author of Journal Limpet, a service that allows players to have automated storage of their player journals from Elite Dangerous, with integrations to different third party services that ingest these journals.

I also write apps for the Overwolf platform, like my new Destiny 2 Goal Tracker, which is an overlay that allows you to track things in a transparent overlay over the game. And previously I made a game time tracker-app, which kept track on how much time you spend on gaming!

Other than all that, I am also one of the Community Champions for the CurseForge Discords (Both Community and Developer), which is basically a moderator with a bit more responsibilities, and I’m also a moderator for the Overwolf Community and Developer Discords as well. In both Discords I help out with supporting users for different types of problems, ranging from problems starting CurseForge, Minecraft, figuring out why modpacks isn’t working and stuff like that.

🛰️ Socials

⚙️ Some (according to me) interesting things I’ve made

Project Short description
CFLookup A simple webbased service, that tells you what hides behind these cryptic “Project IDs” that you can get errors about in CurseForge. (Previously called What CurseForge Project Is This?)
Journal Limpet Automated service that stores and pushes player journals to different services
CurseForge .NET API Client .NET library to communicate with the CF Core API
CF-MC-Server CLI that allows you to setup (almost) any modpack from CurseForge as a server
KeyVault No, not the Azure one.. This is a project me and a coworker had back in 2012, basically a way to keep secrets, secret
MN.L10n Started off as a side project where I wanted to know how Stackoverflow built their localizations, but then I built and published this as a fully working translation system that we use in all services at work